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Dylan: The Movie is an American animated-hand drawn/CGI reboot comedy film directed by Jimmy Hayward, produced by Paramount Animation, DreamWorks Animation, Vyond Animation Studios, Mikros Animation, Rough Draft Studios, and TheJoJuan4444 Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures in the United States. The film was scheduled to be released on May 25, 2024 on a Saturday. It was rebooted from the studios, Vyond Animation Studios, DreamWorks Animation and Paramount Animation from the Dylan: The Movie series made by TheJoJuan4444.


Dylan, a 15-year-old boy from GoAnimate city who wakes up from the bed and gets ready for the last day of school (with his siblings).

After he goes to school, Dylan and his friends (Emily, Kyle and Aaron) are going to do something at home like pranking her brother by scaring him (Emily), watching TV (Kyle) and visiting his uncle's (Aaron) and they meet Kumi.

At GoAnimate Jail, an evil workman named PC Guy and an entitled Karen has finally escaped from prison and he tries to get vengeance by turning GoAnimate City into PC Guy City and Entitled City.

Meanwhile, Dylan and Emily inform Kyle that PC Guy has escaped from prison and is thinking about turning GoAnimate City into PC Guy City and Entitled City.

Now Dylan and his friends team up to save GoAnimate City and stop PC Guy from turning GoAnimate City into PC Guy City and Entitled City.

The good user named TheJoJuan4444 comes by and stops PC Guy and Karen from pushing the button via calling his parents. Suddenly, PC Guy and Karen's parents show up and ground him/her for the rest of his life for trying to turn GoAnimate City into the city named after him. His parents take him home. They continue to celebrate and Dylan and his siblings come home, and they celebrate with dinner at Dylan's house.


  • Eric as Dylan/Andrew/Eric Smith
  • Jennifer as Emily/Christy
  • David as Aaron/Thomas/Zack
  • Kayla as Maya
  • Young Guy as Kyle/TheJoJuan4444
  • Kimberly as Kumi/Kimberly Clark/Kimberly Dawson/Princess Daisy/Cathy
  • Princess as Zara/Chloe/Zoey/Sophie/Princess Peach
  • Julie as Julie/Erika/Annabelle/Adrianna/Stephanie
  • Karen as herself
  • Diesel as PC Guy/Mr. McCarthy
  • Joey as Dolorean
  • Kate as Ms. McCarthy

and more coming soon!


Dylan: The Movie the reboot was produced by TheJoJuan4444 Studios, DreamWorks Animation, Paramount Animation, Vyond Animation Studios, Mikros Animation, and Rough Draft Studios. All animated scenes are created by GoAnimate on its own and made by TheJoJuan4444 and Jimmy Hayward. Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures had announced that they'll distribute the film as distributors only on May 25, 2024 on a Saturday.


Coming soon!


Christi Soper Hilt, Joseph Middleton, and Monika Mikkelsen will direct the cast in May 25, 2024 on a Saturday.


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


The film will be scheduled to be released on May 25, 2024 on a Saturday.


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Home media[]

Coming soon!


Box office[]

Coming soon!

Critical response[]

Coming soon!
