Noddy's Big Adventure is a 2026 upcoming computer-animated film based on the books by Enid Blyton and released by DreamWorks Animation. It is set to be released during the autumn of 2026. It is aimed at older kids and young adults.
Previous: Shrek 5 (2026)
Next: Chimps (2027)
- Caspar Jennings as Noddy, a cheerful young boy who drives a red and yellow car.
- Steve Carell as Big Ears, Noddy's best friend and a brownie.
- Gerard Butler as Mr. Plod, a strict but caring police officer.
- Liza Koshy as Tessie Bear, a female teddy bear and Bumpy Dog's owner.
- David Walliams as Gobbo, a goblin who causes trouble around Toytown.
- James Corden as Mr. Wobblyman, a funny man who cannot lie down.
- Maya Hawke as Clockwork Mouse, a mouse who has a key on his back.
- Charlie Day as Clockwork Clown, a clown who can do flips.
- TBA as Bumpy Dog
- The franchise confirmed that it is no longer aimed at preschool children.
- Mr. Plod's voice is similar to Stoick the Vast.
- Tessie's skirt is replaced with an inflatable ring.