The Penguin in the Ice is an 1995 american animated film produced by Scott Webb Entertainment, Melvin Films and distributed by Universal Pictures in North American and Ocean Pictures Internationally.
- Herbert: A Penguin who wants to Marry Melody.
- Rocky: A Rockhopper Penguin who wants to be the world’s first ever flying penguin.
- Duncan: Herbert’s Worst Enemy Who wants to take Melody away from him.
- Melody: A Smart Female Penguin who cares more for kindness than handsomeness.
- Tommy: A Fun-Loving Red Seagull Who leads a trio of Musical Seagulls.a
- Beamer: A Grumpy Blue Seagull Who Only Songs when he wants to or is begged by Tommy.
- Patricia: A Pink Seagull Who is just as Fun-Loving as Tommy, But can someone’s be a guardian figure to Herbert and offends people to protect him.
- Amy, Sally, and Cola: Three Female Penguins with Ponytails who are Melody’s Friends, But don’t like the fact that She loves Herbert.
- Bingo: A Chubby Penguin who is friends with Herbert, and the only friend of his until He meets Rocky, Tommy, Beamer, And Patricia who has a Secret Crush on Amy.
- Nureyev John: An Explorer who looks at a Statue of the Cast 20 years after the events of the film.
A Penguin Named Herbert Living in a Town In Ice wants to impress His Girlfriend, Melody, But Duncan Also wants to marry her.
Voice Cast:[]
- Vic Reeves as Herbert
- Bob Mortimer as Rocky
- Armin Shimerman as Duncan
- Jennifer Love Hewitt as Melody
- Richard Waites as Tommy
- Neil Buchanan as Beamer
- Shirley Mitchell as Patricia
- Hettie Lynn Hurtes, Linda Hutson, and Pat Musick as Amy, Sally, and Cola
- Micky Dolenz as Bingo
Live-Action Cast:[]
- Michael Palin as Nureyev John
- Ocean Pictures's second animated theatrical release.
- This is third Ocean Pictures film to be rated G by the MPAA.
- Now for Iternity - Melody, Male Penguins, and Female Penguins
- Sometimes I’m Curious - Herbert
- The Love Inside You - Tommy, Beamer, and Patricia
- Looks Like I Have a New Friend - Herbert and Rocky
- Don’t Even Dare - Duncan
- I Miss You - Melody
- New Life Settled In - Herbert and Melody
- Animation Production by DiC Enterprises and Wang Film Productions Company.